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Kindle allows readers to make the text bigger or smaller as they read. There are several reasons you need to carefully format your book on Kindle Create before you even think of submitting to an e-book publisher. We’ll show you everything you need to know in three simple steps. If you’re wondering how to format a book for Kindle, keep reading. One neat thing about Amazon is that you can easily format an e-book using Kindle Create, a free formatting software that makes your book look professional before you upload it to Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

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This situation has driven many writers to take matters into their own hands and self-publish books through platforms like Amazon. Conversely, sometimes even the best books never find a home through a traditional publisher. And it’s true that publishing through an established company means your book won’t get sent out into the world full of typos.īut every writer also knows this: sometimes, publishing houses release bland books that should’ve stayed in draft form forever. Once upon a time, writers relied on traditional publishing to get their books in front of an audience. Why you should know how to format a book for Kindle

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